The Recovery Village at Baptist Health is a proud member of the VA Community Care Network to give veterans greater choice over their behavioral health care.

We work with the VA to help veterans receive high-quality, evidence-based addiction and co-occurring mental health treatment at our facility.

What Is the Community Care Network (CCN)?

The Community Care Network (CCN) is a network of private health care providers that gives veterans greater accessibility to care outside of VA medical facilities. The VA can schedule appointments on the veteran’s behalf, or the veteran can request to work with a treatment provider of their choosing within the network, like The Recovery Village at Baptist Health.

Working with Your VA Benefits

Through our partnership with the VA, our Veteran Advocates help you navigate your health insurance benefits and Community Care eligibility. We’ll advocate on your behalf to make the approval process as seamless as possible and get you high-quality, evidence-based addiction treatment for veterans.

Treatment Can Be Life Changing. Reach out today.

"I can say with full conviction that without Recovery Village I would not be sober today! I found community, I found peers, I found understanding with no judgment…which allowed me to finally find worth in myself."
Ovie Fleites
The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Alumni

VA Community Care Eligibility

To be eligible for care within the CCN, veterans only need to meet one of six criteria:

  1. The veteran needs a service that’s not available at a VA medical facility.
  2. The veteran lives in a U.S. state or territory without a full-service VA medical facility.
  3. The VA cannot provide care within designated driving time and wait time standards.
  4. Receiving care in the CCN is in the veteran’s best medical interest.
  5. A VA service line does not meet certain quality standards.
  6. The veteran qualifies under the “Grandfather” provision related to distance eligibility for VCP.

Your eligibility for community care also depends on your personal health care needs and circumstances:

  • You’ll need approval from the VA prior to starting care with us, in most circumstances.
  • You must be enrolled in VA health care or be eligible for VA care without enrolling.
  • VA staff members generally make all eligibility decisions.

The Recovery Village at Baptist Health is an industry-leading treatment provider for addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. Our clinicians are specially trained in trauma-informed care, military culture and treating veteran-specific addiction and mental health needs.

If you’re a veteran struggling with alcohol or drug addiction, our physician-led, private rehab program could be your path to recovery.