Dimenhydrinate Addiction Treatment and Rehab

Written by Thomas Christiansen

& Medically Reviewed by Dr. Deep Shukla, PhD, MS

Medically Reviewed

Last updated: 08/16/2022

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Medically Reviewed by Jessica Pyhtila, PharmD

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If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, help is available. Speak with a Recovery Advocate by calling (561) 340-7269 now.

Key Takeaways

  • Different rehab treatment options exist for different stages in the recovery journey
  • Recovery is a lifelong process and continuing to work on skills learned in rehab is key to success
  • The success of rehab depends on breaking old harmful habits and replace them with new healthy ones
  • Each person’s rehab experience varies

Different treatment methods are available to help you recover from your struggle with Dramamine use. Learn more about different rehab options.

Dramamine is a risky substance for misuse because it can cause hallucinations and overdoses. If you or a loved one struggle with Dramamine use, it is important to know the treatment options for coming safely off the drug and staying sober.

Dimenhydrinate Addiction Treatment Options

Different people may benefit from various rehab treatment options. Each option is targeted at a specific stage of your recovery journey, and can last different amounts of time.

Dimenhydrinate Detox

When you first stop Dramamine use, you may have withdrawal symptoms.
Dramamine detox can help to control some of these symptoms, which include:
Feeling tired;
Feeling agitated;
Hostility and aggression;
Being clumsy;
Stomach upset:
Imagining things that aren’t there

Residential Rehab

Following detox, inpatient and residential rehab programs are the next treatment
options. Inpatient rehab is often intense and short in duration. In contrast,
residential rehab programs create a safe home environment to help you to recover
from addiction. In both of these programs, you live on-site while getting rehab
treatment. Therapy is a core treatment in residential rehab and may be given one-
on-one or in a group setting. Residential rehab can help to:
Provide a safe place to live;
Remove drug triggers;
Provide around-the-clock medical help

Outpatient Dimenhydrinate Rehab

Outpatient rehab is an option for those who can complete rehab while living at
home or in a sober living house. Often, outpatient rehab is offered after the person
has completed residential rehab and is ready to shift back to their day-to-day life.
The person in these cases may be far enough along in their recovery that they can
work and have social responsibilities. Outpatient drug rehab may be a good
After residential rehab;
If residential rehab is not possible;
For privacy reasons, since being absent from daily life may arouse suspicions;
If the addiction is in the early stages or mild.
Therapy is available in outpatient rehab. In some cases, support groups may be

Dual Diagnosis

A close link exists between mental health issues and substance abuse. Even if the
person can stop taking drugs, the mental health problems often continue, leading
to further risk of drug use. Because of this risk, people with mental health issues
who struggle with drugs often need extra support in rehab. In dual diagnosis
treatment, the addiction and the underlying mental health problem are addressed.
Common mental health problems that are helped during treatment include:
Personality disorder;
Bipolar disorder;
Psychotic disorders;
Eating disorders;
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Aftercare and Sober Living

Two of the most vital components of rehab success in the long term are aftercare
programs and sober living. After rehab is over, it can be tempting to stop focusing
on recovery. Therefore, the goal of aftercare programs is to keep you working on
your recovery. Aftercare programs continue the rehab process of developing the
skills, resources and tools that you need to face life without drug use and to cope
with any setbacks. Aftercare services may include:
Twelve-step programs;
Self-help groups;
Alumni groups for rehab facilities;
Volunteer positions to help you stay drug-free.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab

The similarity between inpatient and outpatient rehab is that both provide therapy
and focus on helping you recover from drug use. However, there are differences in
the programs, like:
Living arrangements: You live on-site for inpatient rehab. Conversely, you live at
home or in a sober living facility for outpatient rehab.
Triggers: In inpatient rehab, staff ensures that you have no drug-use triggers. In
outpatient rehab, you have to avoid triggers on your own.
Medical care: Medical help is available 24/7 in inpatient rehab. In outpatient
rehab, you need to find medical care on your own.
Responsibilities: Work and social responsibilities are put on pause while you are
in inpatient rehab. In outpatient rehab, you may be able to take part in these

Our Drug Detox and Inpatient Rehab Center

The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health
4905 Lantana Rd
Lake Worth, FL 33463

How Long Does Rehab Take?

Because everyone’s addiction is different, there is no single timeframe for rehab that works for everyone. While some people may need a shorter rehab stay, others may require longer stays. It is important to not compare one person’s recovery journey with another person’s. Outpatient rehab often lasts at least 90 days, as studies have shown rehab needs at least that long to be effective. However, rehab can last much longer if needed.

What Does Dimenhydrinate Rehab Cost?

Rehab costs can vary and depend on the services needed. Factors involved to determine the cost include your insurance plan and the kind of rehab you require. If your insurance does not fully cover rehab, the rehab center may be able to help with financial options. Insurance coverage may vary but in general:

  • If you have coverage through your work or private insurance: Rehab may be covered.
  • If you have Medicaid: Your rehab may be covered. The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration can give you more information.
  • If you have Medicare: Rehab coverage depends on the plan you have and the treatment you need. If you are hospitalized for rehab, Medicare Part A may cover your stay, although there is a limit on care. Medicare Part B covers outpatient programs. If you have original Medicare, you need to meet your deductible and then pay 20% of the rehab costs.
  • If you are a veteran: Your rehab may be covered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Contact your local facility to learn more. Florida VA medical centers are in Bay PinesGainesvilleLake CityMiamiOrlandoTampa and West Palm Beach.
  • If you do not have insurance: Contact the Florida Department of Children and Families to see if you can enroll in Medicaid.

In addition, you can check your insurance coverage for our insurance checker to see if your insurance covers your rehab.

What to Expect Before Rehab

Before rehab, you should start preparing yourself for your recovery journey. You may also choose to involve the people close to you, so they know what to expect. Some ways to get ready for rehab are to:

  • Tell loved ones, if you want them to know
  • Make plans for your responsibilities like work or school, if needed
  • Ask for a packing list, if needed. You may also want to ask the rehab facility if there are items you should not pack.
  • Ask your insurance company about any coverage questions

What Happens After Rehab?

In some ways, rehab never truly ends. After detox, residential or outpatient rehab, the journey continues in aftercare and your commitment to sober living. In rehab, you learn the tools and skills to lead a substance-free life. However, old habits, triggers and temptations may still be present. Aftercare programs are an important part of keeping you focused on recovery.

Effectiveness of Dimenhydrinate Addiction Rehab

Rehab and recovery are lifelong processes. To be effective, rehab needs to address coping skills, triggers and deep-rooted behaviors. You will then unlearn the behaviors that led to substance use, and create new behaviors in their place.

View Sources

Church & Dwight Canada Corporation. “Gravol Product Monograph.” January 25, 2016. Accessed August 9, 2019.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Duration of Treatment.” February 2016. Accessed August 9, 2019.

Medicare Interactive. “Treatment for Alcoholism and Substance Use Disorder.” August 20, 2019.
