Adderall addiction can be challenging to treat. Many people need the services provided by a structured treatment and rehab program.
Adderall is a prescription stimulant approved to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Adderall is the brand name for amphetamine salts.
Adderall gained fame because of its reputation as a study drug. It increases focus and allows people to study for long periods without getting tired. Contrary to popular belief, Adderall does not improve cognition, but it does improve focus.
Adderall has a high potential for abuse and addiction because it makes people feel good when they take it. Since tolerance to Adderall develops quickly, people must take more to achieve the original, desired effect.
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Addiction develops when a person stops taking Adderall for the positive effects but instead continues taking it to avoid feeling negative ones (i.e., withdrawal symptoms).
Adderall Addiction Treatment Options
Most drug rehab facilities have professionals trained in Adderall addiction treatment. Treatment of Adderall is similar to treatment for the illicit drug methamphetamine, since both drugs are stimulants with a similar structure.
Treatment begins with an initial detox and withdrawal period and continues during a maintenance period to prevent relapse. Maintenance treatment may last for months or longer.
Adderal Detox
Adderall detox is the process of Adderall leaving the body. The body removes Adderall through drug metabolism, but the process can be very uncomfortable. Withdrawal symptoms begin during the initial detox and they are often uncomfortable enough to encourage people to take more Adderall. Addiction treatment programs are designed to anticipate cravings during the detox period and to provide behavioral support like counseling and talk therapy.
Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab
The two main treatment options in any addiction treatment program are inpatient and outpatient. An inpatient facility is where a person lives at a treatment facility with other people seeking treatment. Days are heavily scheduled with individual and group therapy.
Inpatient treatment is best for people who need to be removed from all negative influences in their lives. Some people choose to seek inpatient treatment in a different city or state to help with their recovery. In contrast, someone in an outpatient program lives at home and commutes to the treatment facility.
Outpatient Adderall Rehab
People who are motivated to treat their addiction or have obligations that they cannot pause may be good candidates for outpatient Adderall rehab. Outpatient treatment can be highly structured like inpatient, or it may just be a few days per week depending on the severity of the addiction and how far along someone is in their treatment.
Residential Rehab
A residential rehab facility is like a hybrid of inpatient and outpatient treatment. People live on-site but can leave for obligations like work and school. Adderall rehab in a residential treatment center combines the intensive and structured environment of inpatient treatment with some flexibility.
Dual Diagnosis
Dual diagnosis treatment may not apply to everyone. For people with substance use disorder (SUD) and a mental health diagnosis like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, they should seek dual diagnosis treatment. Not all facilities provide dual diagnosis treatment, but for someone with a dual diagnosis, it’s important that they get this type of care. The symptoms of drug addiction and mental health disorders overlap and clinicians who are inexperienced or do not have the proper training may treat an addiction incorrectly if they are not aware of additional disorders.
Aftercare and Sober Living
Addiction is a chronic health condition like asthma or high blood pressure, and aftercare is a critical component of treatment.
In treatment, people will learn coping skills to ensure that the chances of relapse are as low as possible. Adderall recovery is possible with the right coping skills.
How Long Does Rehab Take?
Treatment programs should last at least 90 days to be effective. Research ties the success of addiction treatment to how long the program is. Longer treatment has been shown to be more successful.
Dropout rates can be high for addiction treatment, but people with the most success are the ones who stick with their program for longer periods.
What Does Adderall Rehab Cost?
The average drug rehab cost varies based on many factors. Some of the important factors to consider are:
Insurance Coverage – For those with insurance, they should call the number on the back of their insurance card and speak with a representative. Most insurance companies cover the cost of treatment, but the details will vary from plan to plan. People without insurance can consider free or low-income treatment facilities.
Length of Treatment – Longer treatment usually means higher costs. Inpatient facilities usually charge by the day or week, while outpatient programs charge by the program or service.
Level of Care – The level of care is tied into the type of treatment facility: inpatient, outpatient or residential. Higher levels of care mean higher costs.
Individual and Personal Considerations – Small details of treatment may or may not have an impact on cost. Specific questions should be directed to a treatment facility.
What to Expect Before Rehab
People entering inpatient rehab should expect to put their social lives on hold for a bit. Treatment during this time should be personal and private, with little outside interaction. Sometimes friends and family can help treatment, but for some, they are a distraction or negative influence.
Rehab is a time for personal exploration and learning.
Outpatient treatment may be less of an adjustment. However, people entering outpatient treatment should ensure their calendars are clear for the necessary therapy and treatment.
What Happens After Rehab?
The time after rehab should be devoted to maintaining continued sobriety and aftercare. While experiencing a setback is normal and very common during addiction treatment, it is also not an excuse to stop treatment.
Like any chronic condition, treatment is lifelong. It may be a challenge, but successful treatment has been shown to create healthier lives.
Effectiveness of Adderall Addiction Rehab
Addiction treatment is dependent on primary factors: participation in treatment and length of treatment. Those who actively participate have better outcomes. Those that stay in treatment and do not drop out have better outcomes.